Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Installing the latest cumulative fix package for WebsydianExpress v2.x

Always remember to do a backup prior to updating your WebsydianExpress installation. Remember the IFS objects used by WebsydianExpress.

Obtain WebsydianExpress v2.0 PTF package

  1. Download the latest cumulative fix package from our download application at http://www.websydianexpress.com
  2. Unpack the ZIP file to your local hard disk

Restore PTF package to PTF library

Do the following in order to transfer and restore the PTF package to your WebsydianExpress PTF library:

  1. Log onto your System i, and create a save file to store the PTF package. To do this, type:


  2. Transfer the PTF save file to your System i. To do this:
  3. Back on your System i, type:
    Making sure that you enter the WebsydianExpress PTF library as the library where you would like to restore the objects.

Run PTF installation program

The PTF installation program performs the following tasks.

Perform the following to run the PTF installation program.

  1. Stop the WebsydianExpress Application using the STOP command located in the WebsydianExpress program library
    WXP20PGM/STOP [Enter]

  2. Run PTF installation program by issuing the following commands


    WXPPTF [F4]

                           WebsydianExpress v2.0 PTF (WXPPTF)                      
     Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
     Database library . . . . . . . .   WXP20DB       Library Name                  
     Websydian IFS objects location     '/websydian/express20'                      
     Content Root . . . . . . . . . .   EXPRESS20                                   
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
     F24=More keys                                                                  

    Database library
    Library containing the WebsydianExpress tables and views

    Websydian IFS objects location
    IFS directory where WebsydianExpress IFS files are located. If in doubt check the parameter "Websydian home directory (WSYDDIR)"  of the STRWS command located in the WebsydianExpress program library.



                          Start Websydian Server (Java) (STRWS)                     
     Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
     Websydian home directory . . . .   '/websydian/express20'                      
     Websydian Server IP Address  . .   *LOCALHOST                                  
     Websydian Server TCP Port  . . .   11200         Number                        
     Websydian Server Password  . . .   SECRET        Character value               
     Log level  . . . . . . . . . . .   TRACE         TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR...   
     Log filename . . . . . . . . . .   '/websydian/express20/logs/ws.log'          
     License file path and name . . .   '/websydian/express20/license/license.key'  
     Java version . . . . . . . . . .   1.4           Character value               
     Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .   EXPRESSWS     Character value               
     F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F10=Additional parameters   F12=Cancel      
     F13=How to use this display        F24=More keys                               

    Content root
    The first part of the URL when accessing the WebsydianExpress web site. This is also the name of the WAR file used to deploy on the WebSphere Application Server or any other servlet engine.

    e.g. http://www.websydian.com/express20/site/demosite

  3. Start the WebsydianExpress Application using the START command located in the WebsydianExpress program library
    WXP20PGM/START [Enter]

Update Websydian Web Server Component

Perform only this step if one of the following applies to you:

New resources are available for the Web Server please make sure that you include the updated resources for the WebsydianExpress administration interface.

These files are located in the fix package in the directory named "Web Server Component".

Support Service! If you are in doubt please contact Websydian Support at support@websydian.com

Special Note for 2E Developers

A new set of WebsydianExpress for 2E developer libraries are available. Please restore libraries WXPMDL and WXPGEN from the WebsydianExpress PTF library.

Special Note for RPG Developers

New ILE RPG header source members are made available in the QRPGLESRC object of the WebsydianExpress PTF library. This includes new API's for WebsydianExpress development. Make sure that you reference these members during development.

Note for Plex developers

Make sure that you download the latest installation package of Websydian v6.0 to obtain v2.1 of the WSYAPI library model.